Pregnancy is the most beautiful and precious time for many women. It's a life-altering experience for you as your body changes to support and take care of the little life growing inside of your womb. It's a great span of nine months which is filled with experiences, some memorable, some not so enjoyable.

This time passes quickly. Not soon enough and you have a tiny wriggling baby in your arms. And then all your time is spent after your child. That's why it is important to have a maternity photoshoot for the time being. It's a wonderful experience- freezing the most beautiful time of your life so that you can remember how amazing it felt to carry a child for nine months in your womb and show them these photos when they are aged enough to comprehend.
Now there is a mirage of questions that must be in your mind on how and when the maternity photoshoot should be done, what to wear, the location and what are the things that should be taken care of before. In this article, we will be talking about the best time to do a maternity photoshoot.
How Far Along Should You Be For A Perfect Maternity Photoshoot
Every photographer has their individual preferences as to when they take maternity photoshoots with their clients. Also, it is very important to be comfortable and completely healthy when you are thinking of a maternity photoshoot.
However, it is noticed that most photographers will recommend you to take a maternity photoshoot between 30 to 34 weeks. This is because at this time your baby is well-formed and your baby bump is nice and round which results in the most beautiful and flattering photographs. Too much late in the pregnancy can be tiresome and cathartic for you, so choose your time wisely.
Well, this goes without saying that you have to choose a time before the 37th month because after that there is no guarantee as to when the baby may arrive, and that explains no maternity photoshoot.
If You Are Having An Early Labour
Not every pregnancy is the same. There may be times when your doctor must have given you set rules, dates and things to take care of. For example, early delivery, bed rest etc.
Well, don't worry. There are no set rules in this journey. The 30 to 36 weeks timeline is just a guideline, not a regulation. In a time like this, you must discuss your situation with your concerned photographer early on so that they can give you an apt time for your photoshoot. If you are told to avoid going out then you can have a stay at home maternity photoshoot to reduce the risk.
When To Book the appointment
Now, this is something many people ask us. When is the best time to book a photographer for a maternity photo shoot? Well to each their own. But we would suggest you book your appointment as soon as possible. Maybe after your 20-week scan. This gives you ample time to choose the best photographer of your choice and also the photographer to manage and tailor the shoot location according to you.
Expecting Twins
If you are the one who is expecting more than a single child then we suggest you have your maternity shoot well before in between 20 to 24 weeks. We know that this is way before the babies are out but to avoid any problem or discomfort to the mother late photoshoots should be entirely avoided.
High-Risk Pregnancy
Many parents deal with a high-risk pregnancy. In this case, it is very important to first check the health of the mother. And then plan the photoshoot in between the second trimester only. Although most high-risk pregnancies go smoothly, we can't be taking any risk here.
For Announcing It To The World
If you are one of those parents who want to announce their pregnancy with a photoshoot then we suggest you do your maternity photoshoot in the second trimester itself between 20 to 27 weeks. Modify your timeline accordingly with the photoshoot.
"As long as the mother is happy, healthy and comfortable, there are no strict rules or regulations to adhere to while planning for a maternity photoshoot. We are there for your service at any given point in time. It's totally up to you."
Over To You
We have discussed all the facets of a maternity photo shoot. But to be very honest, We'll recommend you to plan your photoshoot whenever you feel the most comfortable and happy. That's when the photos come the most flattering. 30 to 36-week timeline suits most of the women. But in many cases, as we talked about above, it may not be the same. So talk to your doctor, family and photographer to choose a date wisely so that you can enjoy your day to the fullest.
About Madhu Photography

Photography has always fascinated Madhu since her early years. She found joy in capturing moments, things, people and nature and decided to make this into a profession. She has learned professional photography from Drishti school of Photography Bangalore. After then, she started getting invested in clicking pictures of children and making memorabilia of the different magical phases of their growth.
Are you thinking of planning a maternity photoshoot? Contact us,
Phone: +91.98456.59158